Cover to ensure that should your medical aid not cover the full costs of the best prescribed cancer fighting drugs, you and your family’s treatment options will not be limited.

Monthly Premiums


Cover Premium
Principal Insured & Spouse – R204 000
Children – R408 000
R194 pm
Principal Insured & Spouse – R449 000
Children – R898 000
R387 pm

* Premiums are valid for 2025 and are subject to change on 1 Feb 2026.

What is Zestlife Cancer Cover?

Cancer is a complex disease. Having the full funding available to treat it can make the difference between a specialist doctor prescribing the best course of treatment, or the treatment received being limited by your medical aid’s rules.

Zestlife’s Cancer Cover policy gives you the best fighting chance.  The policy automatically covers you and your whole family. This includes the main member, spouse and children if they are dependants on your medical aid. The cover also extends to your legally married spouse and mutual children if they are dependents on your spouse’s medical aid.

The policy is available to all South African medical aid members that are 55 years or younger at the time of taking out the cover. There are no medical tests required.

Cover for the principal insured and spouse will cease upon turning the age of 65 and children will be covered up to the age of 21, or 26 if they are dependent on the principal insured and in full-time study.

Why do I need Zestlife Cancer Cover?

Effective cancer treatment relies on early diagnosis, prompt treatment and the use of the most effective drugs. However, even with early diagnosis and when treatment commences promptly, affordability often compromises treatment. Most medical aid options limit cover to only certain drugs which leaves you responsible to finance the shortfall.

Many medical aid options do not cover specialised medicines and biologics often prescribed by medical specialists.

Sometimes what medical aids describe as “Unlimited Cover” is in reality limited. Meanwhile, leaving you to personally contribute up to 20% of the cost of treatment. This can amount to a co-payment of R100 000 or more, which could be a huge financial burden. Even worse, it could prevent them from receiving adequate treatment altogether.

During treatment, it is also common to have consultations with an oncologist or other specialists numerous times a month. It is therefore important to establish if your medical aid limits the number of visits to a specialist and whether they would pay the full consultation fee.

Zestlife Cancer Cover supplements the oncology cover provided by your medical aid. Thus, giving you wider treatment options and the best chance at fighting back.

Benefits of Zestlife Cancer Cover

Zestlife Cancer Cover provides cover when you need it most.

The policy benefit is paid out in 2 equal amounts, the first benefit amount is paid on diagnosis and thereafter the second amount is paid once treatment starts.

The costs associated with the treatment of childhood cancers are generally higher. Often one or both parents would need to take long periods of leave from work and employ home nursing. These added expenses are thus catered for in the increased children’s oncology benefit amount payable.

Please download the brochure for more information and to view all the policy terms and conditions.