24 March 2011

Zestlife brings you a unique Life Policy called Assetlife. It offers you and your family protection from your credit should you die, become permanently disabled, be diagnosed with a critical illness or retrenched.

With this one policy, you can be covered for the combined amount of all your outstanding credit agreements. For example, one policy to cover you for your car finance, your home loan, personal loans, credit cards and retail. This removes the need to have separate credit protection policies for each of these finance agreements. You will save up to 70% on existing premiums!

Please click here to explore our offering.

The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is not to be construed as advice in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act of 2002 (“FAIS”) as the writer is neither an appointed representative of Zestlife, nor a licensed financial services provider as contemplated in FAIS. Please consult your Financial Adviser or Zestlife should you require advice of a financial nature and/or intermediary services.


Author - Charles Lorentz

Charles Lorentz

Charles Lorentz, Executive: Distribution and Product Development

Charles Lorentz has been involved in the insurance sector since 2005, primarily as a strategic partner in Zestlife. His keen solution driven insights have allowed him to develop product and production cycles that meet specific customer needs within the credit and health insurance segments. Charles continues in his executive role within Zestlife and remains focused on improving customer engagement at both a product and business level.